On a pleasant dry day around 22-24C 14 Pairs started out to play 3 matches of 6 ends. After much calculating the four semi-finalists were declared: Gigi Frankel & Gary Lux v Barbara Sennett & Chaim Verona: 9-7 and Valerie Strachan & Doug Greenslade v Ruth Harris & Laurence Pinkus: 9-4 Final Once the battle commenced between the Captain and Vice Captain over 8 ends. No holes were barred. It was a good clean fight and fairly even, such that after 6 ends the score was 5-5 However the 7th end proved pivotal when Doug (One down at the time) moved the jack back and 4 shots were conceded. 9-5. On the final end also close Gigi & Gary were confirmed Champions by 11-5
Gigi & Gary admire the Gus Harvey Trophy after 32 ends of Championship Standard Bowls: Score 11-5